BeersBrewery NewsPress

IFAS researchers turned to our brewers when they needed a new way to use Fresh from Florida fruit.

Our latest version of our Saltwater Intrusion Gose was brewed with peaches grown by University of Florida researchers.

First Magnitude brewing company has many ties to the University of Florida, among them, Lead Brewer, Eric Dreyer, UF Food Sciences graduate, and Quality Manager Arthur Rudolph, PhD (Class of 2019). Their ties to the UF community led to a recent peachy partnership. 

IFAS researchers were looking for new ways to market Florida grown peaches, which tend to be smaller than the ones you usually find in supermarkets. Though smaller, Florida peaches are just as juicy and delicious as any other peach. 

Like many good ideas, IFAS researches thought about getting beer involved! 

Read more about the delicious partnership here: IFAS researchers are finding new ways to market Florida peaches