Come join us at First Magnitude on Wednesday, March 1 at 6PM for a FREE screening of PATH OF THE PANTHER on the big screen in our warehouse! 🎬
Witness the odyssey of heartbreak and hope as the culmination of more than five years in the field, half a million photographs, and over 800 hours of ultra-high-definition camera trap footage document the Florida panther’s fight for survival. Against all odds, the species demonstrates a path forward in which both humans and wildlife can thrive. 🐆
The film will be followed by an expert panel discussion featuring Malia Byrtus, Field Producer and Wildlife Camera Trapper, Joe Guthrie from the Archbold Biological Station, Tom Hoctor from the UF Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, Brett Scheffers from UF Wildlife Ecology Conservation.
Tommyknockers will be out with delicious food!
A FILM BY: Wildpath, Grizzly Creek Films DIRECTED BY: Eric Bendick PRODUCED BY: Carlton Ward Jr., Thomas Winston, Tori Linder, and Eric Bendick
See the trailer here: